Meet The Team
The Health Collaborative
The Grow Healthy Together Pathways Community HUB is a program of the Health Collaborative. It is done in partnership with many community stakeholders and with the support of various funding agencies.
We sincerely appreciate the investment of our local community champions that have helped launch this evidence based program.
Currently, The Grow Healthy Together HUB provides technical assistance and learning support to three other Texas HUB sites in various stages of certification.
HUB Advisory Committee
Sarah Hill, PhD, CHRISTUS Santa Rosa, Health Collaborative Board Chair
Camerino Salazar, Health Collaborative Community Board Member, Data Committee Chair
Dr. Edward Dick, Methodist Healthcare Ministries of South Texas Inc.
Andrea Guerrero, PhD, Public Health Department, Bexar County
Laura McKieran, DrPH, CINow
Phil Beckett PhD, C3HIE
Fernando Godinez, Mexican American Unity Council
Dr. Fernando Martinez, Northwest Vista, Community Health Worker Training Center
Martha Castilla, Community Health Worker, CHW Trainer and Community Advocate
We have an open invitations to any Community Health Worker and People with lived experience. You are welcome to attend any meetings and participate in discussion, planning and solution building at your convenience.
Contact us to be added to the email list and keep up to date on next meeting dates, locations and time.